How To Calculate An Unweighted GPA

Calculating my unweighted GPA is crucial to understanding where I stand academically. An unweighted GPA gives me a clear picture of my overall performance without factoring in the difficulty of my courses. It’s a straightforward calculation that can help me assess my strengths and identify areas for improvement.

How to Calculate an Unweighted GPA: Step-by-Step Process

Here’s how I go about calculating my unweighted GPA step by step:

1. Gather My Grades

First, I need to collect all my final grades for the courses I’ve taken. These grades should be the letter grades (A, B, C, etc.) I received it at the end of each class.

2. Convert Letter Grades to Grade Points

Next, I convert each of my letter grades into grade points using the standard scale:

  • A = 4.0
  • B = 3.0
  • C = 2.0
  • D = 1.0
  • F = 0.0
Convert Letter Grades to Grade Points

3. List All My Courses and Grade Points

I write down each course I took and the corresponding grade point for each class. For example:

  • English: A (4.0)
  • Math: B (3.0)
  • History: A (4.0)
  • Science: C (2.0)
List All Courses and Grade Points

4. Add Up the Grade Points

I have added all the grade points I listed in the previous step.

5. Count the Number of Courses

I count the total number of courses I’ve taken. This is how many grades I have in total.

6. Divide the Total Grade Points by the Number of Courses

I divided the total grade points I calculated by the number of courses I counted. This gives me my unweighted GPA.

Example Calculation

1. Gather My Grades

Let’s say I received the following final grades:

  • English: A
  • Math: B
  • History: A
  • Science: C

2. Convert Letter Grades to Grade Points

Convert the letter grades to grade points:

  • English: A = 4.0
  • Math: B = 3.0
  • History: A = 4.0
  • Science: C = 2.0

3. List All My Courses and Grade Points

My courses and corresponding grade points are as follows:

  • English: 4.0
  • Math: 3.0
  • History: 4.0
  • Science: 2.0

4. Add Up the Grade Points

I add up the grade points:

= 4.0 (English) + 3.0 (Math) + 4.0 (History) + 2.0 (Science) = 13.0

5. Count the Number of Courses

The number of courses is 4.


Unweighted GPA = Total Grade Points/Number of Courses

6. Divide the Total Grade Points by the Number of Courses

I divide the total grade points by the number of courses:

Unweighted GPA= 13.0 รท 4 = 3.25


My unweighted GPA is 3.25.

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