WAM Calculator Unimelb

Greetings to all students at The University of Melbourne! Do you need a quick and efficient way to calculate your Weighted Average Mark (WAM) using the TEQSA official grading system at the University of Melbourne (unimelb) In Australia? Look no further, as we have the solution you’re looking for!

Note: The University of Melbourne (unimelb) employs the Weighted Average Mark (WAM) system in place of the Grade Point Average (GPA).

The Weighted Average Mark (WAM) is a numeric indicator of a student’s achievement, determined by assigning proportional values to individual courses according to their credit points.

Feel enthusiastic about your academic performance! Utilize our WAM calculator to determine your score effortlessly at the moment. Enter your marks, credit points, and grades to view your results promptly.

WAM Calculator Unimelb

WAM Calculator Unimelb

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10

Related Calculator: WAM Calculator ANU

WAM To GPA Unimelb

The University of Melbourne in Australia has a standard practice of transforming the WAM into a Grade Point Average (GPA) using a predetermined conversion scale. While the specific conversion scale may differ, it often entails aligning WAM with GPA on a 7-point scale. 

For instance, a WAM falling within the range of 65-74 could correspond to a GPA of 5.0. Verifying the precise conversion scale employed by consulting with the university is crucial.

Note: Australia’s 7-point grading scale is the widely accepted standard for converting Weighted Average Mark (WAM) grades to GPA. 

Grading Scheme of Unimelb

TEQSA endorses a grading system adopted by the University of Melbourne, demonstrating remarkable efficiency and meticulous structure. The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) often links this grading system to establish uniform qualifications for education and training in Australia.

The University of Melbourne in Australia utilizes a grading system of 100- points and corresponding Grades (H1, H2A, H2B, H3 …) throughout all academic terms and semesters.

The grade ‘H1’ represents the highest possible mark percentage (80% – 100%), while the ‘N’ grade means you fail and aligns with a percentage range of 0%-49%.

Please refer to the comprehensive table below for an in-depth analysis of your Grade, Marks, and Result Description based on the official grading system of unimelb.

Related Calculator: WAM Calculator MQ

Letter Grade Mark (%)
H1 80 – 100
H2A 75 – 79
H2B 70 – 74
H3 65 – 69
P 50 – 64
N 0 – 49

How to Calculate WAM Unimelb?

It is imperative for all students enrolled at The University of Melbourne to have a thorough understanding of the grading system approved by the TEQSA in Australia.

Accurately computing a student’s Weighted Average Mark (WAM) and ensuring their complete academic readiness is vital.

Equation for WAM Calculation at The University of Melbourne.

Unimelb WAM = {(Sum of Marks * Credit Point) / Sum Credit Point}

Exemplification of the Calculating of WAM at Unimelb in Australia:

  • Subject 1 – (Marks,85 * Credit Point 37.5)
  • Subject 2 – (Marks,80 * Credit Point 12.5)
  • Subject 3 – (Marks,70 * Credit Point 12.5)
  • Subject 4 – (Marks,75 * Credit Point 12.5) 

Unimelb WAM = Sum of {Marks * Credit Point} 

= {85*37.5 + 80*12.5 + 70*12.5 + 75*12.5} = 6,000

Sum of Credit Point = {37.5 + 12.5 + 12.5 + 12.5} = 75

Unimelb WAM = 6,000 / 75 = 80

What is a good WAM Unimelb?

A WAM of 75 is good at the University of Melbourne, but competition varies by program. Check the criteria for your chosen course.

What is the WAM for Unimelb grades?

The University of Melbourne utilizes the Weighted Average Mark (WAM) to evaluate academic achievement by considering a student’s grades and weighting them according to the credit points of each subject. The WAM scale ranges from 0 to 100.

What is a 4.0 GPA as a WAM?

The University of Melbourne (unimelb) in Australia generally employs a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) system with a scale ranging from 0 to 100. A WAM score between 80 and 100 corresponds to a GPA of 4.0.

Does Unimelb have a GPA?

The University of Melbourne (Unimelb) in Australia uses a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) system to evaluate academic achievement instead of a GPA (Grade Point Average) system. In Australia, you can utilize the GPA conversion scale to determine your GPA.

What is the highest WAM you can get?

To determine the Weighted Average Mark (WAM), it is necessary to sum the percentage scores from all completed units and calculate a score on a scale of 100, with 100 representing the maximum achievable WAM.

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