WAM Calculator UOW

Greetings! We are delighted to welcome all University of Wollongong (UOW) students. The official grading system at UOW aligns with the structure of our WAM calculator, enabling efficient calculation of the Weighted Average Mark (WAM).

To calculate your WAM at UOW, you need to find the average mark for your entire degree, taking into account the appropriate weighting (0-100) for each subject based on its credit points.

With our user-friendly real-time WAM calculator, you can effortlessly input your final marks, credit points, and grades.

This feature allows you to promptly and efficiently assess your Weighted Average Mark (WAM) without any delays or complications.

WAM Calculator UOW

WAM Calculator UOW

Subject 1

Subject 2

Subject 3

Subject 4

Subject 5

Subject 6

Subject 7

Subject 8

Subject 9

Subject 10

Related Calculator: WAM Calculator RMIT

UOW Grading System

Different authorities independently accredit University of Wollongong (UOW) programs, allowing for the use of a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) system instead of a Grade Point Average (GPA) for grading.

The WAM assigns numerical values between 0 and 100 to students’ credit points in different subjects, accurately reflecting their academic performance.

A grade of (F) indicates a WAM between 0 and 49, which signifies failure. Meanwhile, a WAM between 85 and 100 corresponds to a High Distinction (HD) grade.

For detailed information about your University of Wollongong (UOW) Grade, WAM, Marks, and how to interpret your results, we encourage you to refer to the comprehensive table below.

Related Calculator: WAM Calculator UTS

Grade Name Mark Range
High Distinction (HD) Excellent 85 - 100
Distinction (D) Very Good 75 - 84
Credit (C) Good 65 - 74
Pass (P) Satisfactory 50 - 64
Fail (F) Unsatisfactory 0 - 49
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